How to Keep Your E commerce Store’s Customer Data Safe in the Online Environment

Feb 15, 2022 0 Comments DEVELOPMENT
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As eCommerce becomes increasingly popular, it is more important than ever to Keep Your E commerce Store’s Customer Data Safe. There are many online security threats that can jeopardize the safety of your customers’ information. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the best ways to protect your ecommerce store from online security threats. We will also provide some tips for keeping your customer data safe and secure.

Keep your ecommerce store secure with SSL encryption.

SSL is a secure protocol used by ecommerce websites to protect sensitive information. It ensures that all transactions between you and your customers are encrypted so they cannot be read or tampered with. You can use an ecommerce plugin such as WooCommerce or Prestashop to enable SSL on your store.

Two Factor Authentication for Admin

Enable two-factor authentication (TFA) for ecommerce stores. This security feature requires users to enter their username and password when logging in, but it also requires them to provide an additional form of identification. For example, if someone tries accessing your website using the same computer, TFA will prompt them for one more thing: their phone number or email address before allowing access into ecommerce account system again!

Use a payment gateway that is PCI compliant and has strong anti-fraud measures in place.

A payment gateway is the service that processes your eCommerce transactions. It is important to select a payment gateway that is PCI compliant, meaning it meets the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). This will ensure that your customers’ credit card information is safe and secure when processed through your ecommerce store. Additionally, look for a payment gateway with strong anti-fraud measures in place. This will help protect your ecommerce business from fraudulent activities.

Regularly back up your ecommerce store data.

In order to protect your ecommerce store from data loss or theft, it is important to regularly back up your data. This can be done using an online backup service or by backing up your files to a local computer.

Software Patches/ Updates

Make sure your ecommerce website is up to date on all its software patches and upgrades, including those for WordPress plugins like Woocommerce or Shopify apps such as Shopify Payments. Magento is a well known Ecommerce software that also needs to be patched regularly.

Use a strong password for ecommerce store access, including one containing upper and lowercase letters, numbers as well as symbols like ‘! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) – _ = + | ~ ` ? / > . ‘, with at least eight characters long.

Do not use the same ecommerce account password on other websites such as your email inbox or social media accounts like Facebook or Twitter because if one site gets hacked then all others will too! You can generate unique passwords using LastPass which is free and available in most browsers today; this app stores them securely so there’s no need to remember each individual website login details anymore!

The above tips will make your website secure and ensure customer data is not leaked or accessible online. If your website doesn’t include the above we have developers available to assist you today. Contact us for more information on website security.

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